Category: SharePoint 2016

Resetting Office 365 Cloud Search Index

From time to time we need to remove all the items out of the Office 365 search index. There are 3 options:

1. Re-index everything on premises and after the indexing completes delete the content sources to trigger a delete crawl to run. Of course re-indexing everything is not efficient, it takes time and if items have been deleted from the on premises content you still run the risk of missing orphans in the Office 365 search index.

2.  Call Microsoft Office 365 support and raise a ticket to ask for an index purge, something that takes time and again is inefficient for the task at hand.

3. Use DeleteAllCloudHybridSearchContent method of PushTenantManager.

More information on DeleteAllCloudHybridSearchContent method can be found here and here.

That was another page in the Chronicles of SharePoint Bits, happy scripting!

Error: PowerShell ISE stopped working

PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment is a very powerful and useful tool to create and debug PowerShell scripts. After installing some security patching and IRM component it stopped working and would crash:

The issue is related to the corrupt GlobalUserInterface.CompositeFont file. This causes PowerShell ISE. It also effects other WPF applications to fail as well. See this article:

We used the Solution 3:

Replace GlobalUserInterface.CompositeFont Manually

Manually replace corrupted font file with correct version.

  1. Download GlobalUserInterface.CompositeFont (default download for Windows 7 is %USERPROFILE%\Downloads).
  2. Launch cmd as Administrator and navigate to %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\WPF\Fonts and run:
    xcopy /y %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\GlobalUserInterface.CompositeFont .
    (or copy and paste the GlobalUserInterface.Composite file through Windows Explorer to %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\WPF\Fonts)
  3. Launch cmd as Administrator and navigate to %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\WPF\Fonts and run:
    xcopy /y %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\GlobalUserInterface.CompositeFont .
    (or copy and paste the GlobalUserInterface.Composite file through Windows Explorer to %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\WPF\Fonts).
  4. Re-launch the application.
  5. Reboot machine and re-launch application if you still have trouble.
xcopy /y GlobalUserInterface.CompositeFont %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\WPF\Fonts
xcopy /y GlobalUserInterface.CompositeFont %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\WPF\Fonts


That was another page in the Chronicles of SharePoint Bits, happy scripting!

Howto: Check all the sites in the particular Content DB

From time to time, there is a need to check the SharePoint sites is a particular content database are accessible. There is a simple script for it:  enumerate all the sites in the DB and Invoke a Web Request for the site URL. The returned Web request code will indicate if site is accessible or not:

# Author.......: David Shvartsman
# Date.........: 07/05/2018
# Description..: Check all the sites in the particular Content DB
#Load SharePoint PowerShell Snapin
if ((Get-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {
    Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"
$db = "Content_DBName"
$Sites = Get-SPSite -ContentDatabase $db -Limit All
foreach ($site in $sites) {
    $SiteStatus = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $site.url -UseDefaultCredentials | Select-Object StatusCode

    If ($siteStatus.StatusCode -eq 200) {
        Write-host "$($site.url) is OK." -ForegroundColor Green
    Else {
        Write-Host "Failed check for $($site.url)" -ForegroundColor Red


That was another page in the Chronicles of SharePoint Bits, happy scripting!

Troubleshooting: Collecting Verbose ULS logs

Working with Microsoft on the one of the issues we were asked to provide verbose ULS logs. Having the ULS logs in verbose mode might take a lot of disk space. Here is a simple solution: enable the verbose logging only for the period of time to reproduce the issue and switch it back to default level when done. PowerShell to the rescue: the following script will change the ULS log level to verbose and pause while you can reproduce the issues that is being troubleshooted. Just press the enter button after that and it will switch the log level to default (Information). If your default log level is different from Information modify the script accordingly. The script will generate Merged ULS log for the period between the start of the script and the time you pressed the Enter button to continue.

#  Author.......: David Shvartsman
#  Date.........: 06/27/2018
#  Description..: Troubleshooting: Collecting Verbose ULS logs
if ((Get-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {
    Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"
$startDate = (Get-Date -format "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")
set-sploglevel -traceSeverity verbose

$endDate = (Get-Date -format "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")
$logfile = "d:\temp\ULSLogFileName.log"
if (test-path $logfile) {
          Remove-Item $logfile

Merge-SPLogFile –Path $logfile –StartTime $startDate –EndTime $endDate


That was another page in the Chronicles of SharePoint Bits, happy scripting!

Audience Compilation Status is ‘Compiling’ for a long time

Looking at Central Administration console under Manage Profile Service we have noticed that Audience Compilation Status shows ‘Compiling’ for a long time. There is no errors in the event logs. Attempts to stop compilation or compile an individual audience did not produce any results.

There is AudienceJob.exe executable that you can use to manipulate audiences:

AudienceJob.exe <Application Id> [Crawl Type] [Audience Name]
Application Id: Guid corresponding to UserProfile application
Command: 1 = Start, 0 = Stop
Crawl Type: 1 = Full, 0 = Incremental (default = 1)
Audience Name: Specific audience to compile (default = all)

#  Author.......: David Shvartsman
#  Date.........: 05/18/2018
#  Description..: Restart Audience Compilation
if ((Get-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {
    Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"
$ServiceType = "User Profile Service Application"
$spService = Get-SPServiceApplication  | where {$_.TypeName -like $ServiceType }
$id = $
Audiencejob.exe $id 0 
Audiencejob.exe $id 1

You can use AudienceJob.exe to compile a specific audience.

It works in SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2016.

That was another page in the Chronicles of SharePoint Bits, happy scripting!

Stopping SharePoint Service Instance on the Server

SharePoint Central Administration Portal provides a way to start/stop Services Instance on a particular server. It is accessible under Application Management/Service Applications/Manage Services on Server option. It is all good in the small environment but controlling the Service Instances in the big environment becomes cumbersome. PowerShell to the rescue. Bellow is a code to stop SharePoint Service Instance on the particular server:

#  Author.......: David Shvartsman
#  Date.........: 11/24/2017
#  Description..: Stopping SharePoint Service Instance on the Server
if ((Get-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {
    Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"
$ServerName = "Server Name"
$ServiceType = "Services Application Name" 
$spService = Get-SPServiceInstance | where {$_.TypeName -eq $ServiceType -and $ -eq $ServerName } 
$i = 0
if ($spService.Status -eq "Online") {
    Write-Host "Stopping $($ServiceType) on $($ServerName) Server..." -NoNewline
    $spService = Stop-SPServiceInstance $spservice.Id -Confirm:$false
    DO {
        write-host -NoNewline "."
        sleep 30
        $spService = Get-SPServiceInstance $spService.Id
    } While (($spservice.Status -ne "Disabled") -and ($i -lt 10))
    if ($spservice.Status -eq "Disabled") {
        Write-Host " Success!" -ForegroundColor Green
    } else {
        Write-Host " Failed!" -ForegroundColor Red

Services Application Names:

Access Database Service 2010
Access Services
App Management Service
Business Data Connectivity Service
Central Administration
Claims to Windows Token Service
Distributed Cache
Document Conversions Launcher Service
Document Conversions Load Balancer Service
Excel Calculation Services
Lotus Notes Connector
Machine Translation Service
Managed Metadata Web Service
Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Incoming E-Mail
Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Sandboxed Code Service
Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscription Settings Service
Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application
Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Workflow Timer Service
PerformancePoint Service
PowerPoint Conversion Service
Request Management
Search Host Controller Service
Search Query and Site Settings Service
Secure Store Service
SharePoint Server Search
SQL Server PowerPivot System Service
SQL Server Reporting Services Service
User Profile Service
User Profile Synchronization Service
Visio Graphics Service
Word Automation Services


Service Application Instance Status:



That was another page in the Chronicles of SharePoint Bits, happy scripting!

Event ID 3351: SQL database login for ” on instance ” failed.

In certain environments you will see ‘Event ID 3355: SQL database login for ” on instance ” failed.’ in the event logs.
The errors are related to MOM/SCOM Agent trying to access some information from the SharePoint Configuration database under ‘Local System’ account and gets access denied.

To resolve the issue we need to grant SPShellAdmin access to Local System account to Configuration DB for each server in the farm:

#  Author.......: David Shvartsman
#  Date.........: 11/01/2017
#  Description..: Fixing Event ID 3355: SQL database login for '<Config DB Name>' on instance '<SQL Instance Name>' failed. 
if ((Get-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {
    Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell

$domainName = ((gwmi Win32_ComputerSystem).Domain).Split(".")[0]

$Servers = get-spserver | ? { (($_.Role -eq "Application") -or ($_.Role -eq "SingleServer")) }
foreach($Server in $Servers) 
    $serverName = $Server.Name
    Get-SPDatabase | where {$ -match "config"} | Add-SPShellAdmin -username "$domainName\$serverName$"

That was another page in the Chronicles of SharePoint Bits, happy scripting!

Problem with 2013 Workflow Instance geting suspended with “There has been an error authenticating the request” massage

From time to time we are having an issues with SharePoint 2013 Workflows going to Suspended stage with the following error:

RequestorId: 647a2bdb-7a39-cb3c-0000-000000000000. Details: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the workflow instance. Exception details: System.ApplicationException: HTTP 401
{"error_description":"The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error.  For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the  configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs."}
{"x-ms-diagnostics":["3001000;reason=\"There has been an error authenticating the request.\";category=\"invalid_client\""],"SPRequestGuid":["647a2bdb-7a39-cb3c-8ffa-98b63f3bf3a3"],"request-id":["647a2bdb-7a39-cb3c-8ffa-98b63f3bf3a3"],"X-FRAME-OPTIONS":["SAMEORIGIN"],"SPRequestDuration":["11"],"SPIisLatency":["0"],"Server":["Microsoft-IIS\/7.5"],"WWW-Authenticate":["Bearer realm=\"043a66d5-9a15-4b10-aa86-217119f4b03a\",client_id=\"00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000\",trusted_issuers=\"00000005-0000-0000-c000-000000000000@*,00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000@043a66d5-9a15-4b10-aa86-217119f4b03a\"","Negotiate","NTLM"],"X-Powered-By":["ASP.NET"],"MicrosoftSharePointTeamServices":[""],"X-Content-Type-Options":["nosniff"],"X-MS-InvokeApp":["1; RequireReadOnly"],"Date":["Mon, 24 Oct 2016 16:20:33 GMT"]}
   at Microsoft.Activities.Hosting.Runtime.Subroutine.SubroutineChild.Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
   at System.Activities.CodeActivity.InternalExecute(ActivityInstance instance, ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)
   at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteActivityWorkItem.ExecuteBody(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager, Location resultLocation)

We also see the following error in the event log on Workflow Manager servers:

Log Name:      Application
Source:        Microsoft-SharePoint Products-SharePoint Foundation
Date:          10/24/2016 6:09:00 PM
Event ID:      8306
Task Category: Claims Authentication
Level:         Error
Description:   An exception occurred when trying to issue security token: ID3242: The security token could not be authenticated or authorized..

For some reason Security Token Service Application stops issuing tokens or the token gets expired.

Workaround 1:
Recycle SecurityTokenServiceApplicationPool pool in IIS, terminate and resubmit all Suspended workflows. It will solve the immediate problem. For how to find out all 2013 Workflow instances in Suspended Status see the SharePoint 2013 – List of 2013 Workflow Instances (Suspended, Canceled) blog post
Workaround 2:
While is not a permanent solution, it is more systematic workaround. It seems that Claims provider breaks when for some reason or other the App Pool “SecurityTokenServiceApplicationPool”  account logs off unexpectedly. The solution is as suggested in the following blog: A COM+ application may stop working on Windows Server 2008 when the identity user logs off is to modify Local Group Policy setting ‘Do not forcefully unload the user registry at user logoff’ to not forcefully unload the registry and waits until no other processes are using the user registry before it unloads it.

“The policy can be found in the group policy editor (gpedit.msc)
Computer Configuration->Administrative Templates->System-> UserProfiles
Do not forcefully unload the user registry at user logoff

Change the setting from “Not Configured” to “Enabled”, which disables the new User Profile Service feature.

‘DisableForceUnload’ is the value added to the registry

Note issue applies happens on Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2.”

That was another page in the Chronicles of SharePoint Bits, happy scripting!

How to find out the version of Workflow Manager components

For Workflow Manager Farm to function correctly all servers in the farm need to have the same version of DLLs installed. The bellow script will show version of Workflow Manager, Microsoft® Service Bus, Windows Fabric, and Workflow Manager Client installed on the server. It will check for both Service Bus version 1.0 and 1.1.

#  Author.......: David Shvartsman
#  Date.........: 10/14/2016
#  Description..: Workflow Manager components versions

$VersionInfo = @() 
if (Test-Path "C:\Program Files\Workflow Manager\1.0\Workflow\Artifacts\Microsoft.Workflow.Service.dll") {
    $VersionInfo += (Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Program Files\Workflow Manager\1.0\Workflow\Artifacts\Microsoft.Workflow.Service.dll").VersionInfo 
if (Test-Path "C:\Program Files\Service Bus\1.1\Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll") {
    $VersionInfo += (Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Program Files\Service Bus\1.1\Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll").VersionInfo
} elseif (Test-Path "C:\Program Files\Service Bus\1.0\Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll") {
    $VersionInfo += (Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Program Files\Service Bus\1.0\Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll").VersionInfo
if (Test-path "C:\Program Files\Windows Fabric\bin\FabricHost.exe") {
    $VersionInfo += (Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Program Files\Windows Fabric\bin\FabricHost.exe").VersionInfo 
if (Test-path "C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Workflow Manager\1.0\Microsoft.Workflow.Client.dll") {
    $VersionInfo += (Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Workflow Manager\1.0\Microsoft.Workflow.Client.dll").VersionInfo
$VersionInfo | FT FileDescription, ProductName, ProductVersion

If you removed Workflow Manager make sure the following all the underlying directories are gone as well. The UnInstaller is infamous for it and the subsequent reinstall will fail.

That was another page in the Chronicles of SharePoint Bits, happy scripting!